Friday, June 13, 2008

An old soul?

On my wedding day, as we were sitting down for dinner at the head table with our party, my sister...who had already drank a wee bit of wine...leaned over to me and said, as though in some kind of revelation or epiphany, "my gosh Ruth, I think you are an old soul". Now I can't recall if those were her exact words, but it was something to that effect. I asked her what exactly that was, and she said that it was something that en captured parts of older time periods and people...something to that effect. My husband and I had a little laugh about it, knowing that she had already had a bit to drink and so it was soon forgotten. Later on, however, I began to think on the event...and wondered just exactly an old soul was and why she had said that.

So I typed in 'old soul' on my good old google search tab, and came up with several pages...most 'definitions' however, were pages i decided to go with the shortest and most decisive I could find, which wound up being on a site called urban dictionary. It said that an old soul is:

A spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years; people of strong emotional stability. Basically, someone whom has more understanding of the world around them.

Some people even believe an old soul is a person whom has learned from past incarnations, or lives. They aquired certain knowledge from their past lives and apply it to their present life... thus gaining more wisdom than the average bloke.
"She has an old soul."
( )

The first part of this definition I feel does describe me fairly well. In many ways I am more mature for my age group. At around the age of sixteen I helped my grandmother care for my dying grandfather, at nineteen I had moved from my home state of Wisconsin to Colorado, and at twenty I had moved again to Arizona and got married eleven months later. Now that second part I'm not partial to, but I can understand how I could be perceived in this way. The reason being that I am very into older fashioned things. I have a very broad taste in music and movies, ranging all the way from the thirties up to today's works.

On my wedding day I was wearing a dress that seemed to have some inspiration from an older style, so that plus the wee bit of wine, was probably the reason why my sister had said that. So some ways I am an old soul. And that is why I have named my blog such, as it is inspired by 'My Timeless Spirit'.